Last news from Mauri

Blockchain per le PMI

The topic of blockchain technology for SMEs

Yesterday, F.lli Mauri SpA participated in an interesting technical meeting organized by the Lecco territorial hub of the Politecnico di Milano, focusing on the topic of blockchain technology for SMEs.

The objective of the meeting was to communicate the importance of blockchain technology in establishing a transparent, certified, and decentralized business, such as through the creation of digital passports linked to individual products. Thanks to the contributions of university professors, specialized engineers, and industry analysts, our team gained valuable insights and solutions towards capitalizing on the benefits derived from the use of blockchain technology.

Significantly, a Europe-wide project called 'DPP' was launched in May 2023 with the aim of enabling the sharing of key information on sustainability and circularity of essential products among all economic stakeholders. Consequently, the aim of the project is to accelerate the circular economy transition, through a strategy aimed at increasing material and energy efficiency, extending the useful life of products and optimising the design, production, use and end-of-life management phases of goods.

In the coming months, F.lli Mauri SpA will decide whether to apply and scale this type of model also within its own reality.